What is the Annual Parish Meeting?

The Annual Parish Meeting is just as the name suggests - an annual meeting of all of the residents of the parish, to discuss anything those residents wish to discuss. Holding one is a legal requirement, so the Parish Council manages its formalities, and on that basis it is customarily run by the Parish Council Chair and Clerk.  But that does NOT make it a Parish Council meeting.  It is your meeting and Kettleburgh has a good record of the meeting being a useful forum for residents.

(For some time the meeting was known as the Kettleburgh Residents' Meeting because of concern that the legal title was not clear and in the hope that the name change would encourage greater attendance. As there is a legal requirement to hold the meeting it was known in official documents as the Kettleburgh Residents' Meeting/Annual Parish Meeting.  Attendance did not notably increase, so the Parish Council took the decision in 2019 to revert to the standard title.)

Please note that:

  • the latest minutes are always in draft form because they are not approved until the next meeting. Minutes may still be titled 'draft' in the entries below, but the link should take you to the version approved by the subsequent meeting.  If it does not, please contact the Clerk; and 
  • this page, with its linked documents, constitutes the record book required by the Local Government Act 1972 ss19(1).

When is the next meeting?

The 2024 meeting is set for Wednesday the 29th May 2024 at 19.00 in the Kettleburgh Village Hall.


What happened at previous meetings?

The 2023 meeting was held on Thursday the 25th May 2023 at 19.30 in the Kettleburgh Village Hall. The draft minutes include reports:

Draft Minutes


The 2022 meeting was held on Thursday the 17th March 2022 at 19.30 in the Kettleburgh Village Hall.

Draft Minutes

Report from the KGT

Report from St. Andrew's Church

District Councillors' Report

The 2021 meeting was held on Thursday, the 29th April 2021 via 'Zoom' at 19.30.

These are the minutes and reports from the 2021 Annual Parish Meeting

Draft Minutes

The 2020 meeting was cancelled due to the Coronavirus Covid-19 situation. However, some reports that would have been made at the meeting (from our local MP, The Kettleleles, The Kettleburgh Town Estate Charity and our District Councillor) can be seen here.

These are the minutes and reports from the 2019 Annual Parish Meeting:

These are the minutes and reports from the 2018 Annual Parish Meeting:

These are the minutes and reports from the 2017 Annual Parish Meeting:

These are the minutes and reports from the 2016 Annual Parish Meeting:

These are the minutes and reports from the 2015 Annual Parish Meeting:

Here are the minutes of some previous years' meetings:

APM minutes 2014
APM minutes 2013
APM minutes 2012
APM minutes 2011
APM minutes 2010
APM minutes 2009
APM minutes 2008
APM minutes 2007